Sep 24, 2008

Introducing Nick Griffiths

A few months back I got an email from Pete Jones at Radio Reverb in Brighton saying that someone had emailed him trying to get in contact with me. He asked if it was ok to send them my email address. I said Yes.

Some days later I received an email from a lady called Sinead who said that the weekend before she and her husband had been in Brighton and whilst driving home caught one of my tracks on the radio. She said that her husband commented on the track saying 'i like that, we must remember the artist' and then he forgot my name. She knew it has something to do with Piegons and eventually she found me.

She told me it was his birthday coming up and asked if she could buy some of my music, I told her that I have yet to finish the debut album but that I would happily make him a special one off cd with some of my demos - a kind of work in progress.

So I made a little cd and sent it off. She in turn wanted to send me a thank you present and one day I got a book in the post. It was the first novel by her husband; Nick Griffiths entitled ' In the footsteps of Harrison Dextrose'.

I took this book on holiday with me this summer and truely loved it. It was really funny, very surreal and just amazing.

Since then I have been in touch with Nick a few times and it would be fair to say that he is a big Dr Who fan. He has already written one book (Dalek I loved you) about the Dr and has a new book coming out soon called 'Who goes there'. I sent him an early demo of one of my new songs as it has some Dr Who samples going on and he liked it so much he wrote a blog about me.

So I am using this post to tell more people about Nick and his writing. Please do go and check out his website and buy, steal, borrow his books as they are great.

Nicks Website can be found here!

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