Dec 2, 2013

Breaking tradition

Usually at the end of a year I do a round-up of what I have been working on and my aims and hopes for the year ahead.  I did this last year but have decided I won't be doing it this year.

There are a few reasons for this, the main one being I don't want to set targets anymore. Whatever will be will be - and all that.

With that in mind I can give you a few updates on what I have been up to:

New Website

I launched my new website last week; it's had a bit of a redesign and should now work on all browsers across different operating systems and on phones etc. I hope you like it. If you find anything that is not working please do let me know.

New Music

I have got a whole host of new tunes that I am working on and will be doing 'something' with them next year, but not sure what just yet. There is going to be a single, of that I can be sure.

Interviewing Frank

A few months back I interviewed Frank Turner for the Calm Zone (who I had previously written a blog for on mental illness) and that is now live.

It is in issue 12 of their ClamZine and is well worth a read.  I imagine it is the only time I will ever interview someone.

Right ... I'm off to have some mulled wine - catch you later.

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