Sep 9, 2013

News: ATP.VS.XMR.EP / brand new song - released today

Over the last 4-5 years I have recorded a number of tracks which feature guest vocalists, people such as Frank Turner, Chris T-T and Beans on Toast have all lent their voices on my songs; all 3 of those guys are on Xtra Mile Recordings.

This year XMR turned 10 years old and they are doing a whole host of things to celebrate - they have already taken over a stage at 2000 Trees and have lots of great stuff coming up like their 7" singles collection and more gigs, stages, releases etc.

As I have recorded with some of their artists I thought it would be cool to collate these into a free download EP.

However, I felt a bit cheap re-releasing 3 old songs so I asked another XMR act if he would be interested in working on a brand new song.

So a few months back I asked Ben Marwood if he'd work on a track I had been playing around with and he agreed.  Before he headed off to the USA to tour with Frank he worked on the vocals for the new track.

Today I can reveal that 'Then The Bell Rings' will be the lead track from ATP.VS.XMR.EP.

I recorded a little video for the song and managed to get Ben to do a few shots over Skype.
I'm really pleased with the song and video and hope you like it.

This track and the other 3 can all be downloaded from my BandCamp page.

Let me know what you think and please share the news.

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