Apr 5, 2013

I'm allowed to change my mind...

When I first started doing Amongst The Pigeons I always had a vision of it being a trilogy of albums and then bringing it all to an end.  I actually thought that the music I make would not give itself to more than that and people would get bored.

In 2009 I released 'Music to brush your teeth to' and then 'Get Amongst It' followed in 2012, with various EPs in between.

I had for a long time always expected to release a third and final album called 'Spread Your Wings' most likely in 2014/5.

But - this morning I had a revelation, a change of heart and realised that there is still a LOT I want to achieve as ATP and I can keep this going for quite sometime yet.  So today I decided that there is at least another 3 albums worth of material yet to come. 

The final album I make will still be called 'Spread Your Wings' and in my head I know exactly how I want that to sound from start to finish. The thing is, I know that I am not capable of making that album yet, which is another reason I want to make more music before the final album comes out.

I think the next proper ATP album will be rather different - can't quite say how yet - but I want it to be mad .... more way out there than anything I have done to date. 

Someone actually described one of the new songs as 'mad space jazz, hectic and fun' which I really liked.

This post is probably of no interest to anyone other than me - but sometimes I just like to share.

Speaking of which ... here is a video of me playing live at last weekends Lexapalooza show, an exclusive of two new songs.

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