Nov 26, 2009


Bit of a personal rant today, I try as much as I can to keep this blog about ATP and not stuff going on in my own life but hey, its Thursday and I feel people should know about this.

I found out today that Brighton & Hove Council have finally given the go ahead for 4 new houses to be built on some land right outside the back of my house. I have been fighting this application for five years and today I can do no more.

It sickens me that they allowed it to go ahead as the fire and emergency services said they should not allow it as no fire engines can get to the site in an emergency as the road that leads to the site is too thin. I cannot believe that the Council would put peoples safety ahead of a housing development.

Seriously seriously gutted - I have no proof but I am so, so, sure that some back-hander has gone on somewhere .....

Nov 20, 2009

ATP SpotifyMix II

Amongst The Pigeons - SpotifyMixVolTwo

If you are on Spotify - click above for my 2nd playlist - its a real mixed bag - but a coherent journey. Hope you like it x

Nov 19, 2009

Is it too early for reflection?

We are reaching the end of 2009 and for me the end of the year always brings about a moment of reflection. 2009 has been a good year for me; I released my debut album, got some great reviews, DJed all around Europe, signed a publishing deal and gained lots new fans.

I started the year with a lot of goals and although I met quite a lot of them, there are a lot that I did not meet and these will now carry over to 2010. I guess one of the biggest things I want to achieve is finding a way to take ATP out and about as a live show. Sadly at the moment I don't have the equipment I need to pull it off, so need to keep saving. There is no point doing it unless its going to be good.

Next year is a big challenge for me - I am going to be releasing a new EP. The EP is pretty much finished - just a few tweaks to make and then I will get it mixed and mastered with a view of getting it out there in Spring-Summer time. I am going to be hitting the promotion hard and hope to get more reviews, more radio play and make more new fans.

I also want to find a way of DJing at some festivals - so if you know anyone who can help - please let me know.

I also want to take this 'time of reflection' to thank anyone who has listened, purchased, played or enjoyed my music. As a musician you need fans, you need people to listen to, and play your music and buy your releases, and you also need a lucky break every now and then.

At the moment I feel like I need this break in order to reach the next level. Maybe that break is round the corner?

One other thing I forgot to mention above was the theme tune I made for the eBook version of 'Who Goes There?' by Nick Griffiths. You can buy the eBook >> Here!

It's a great product - the book is brilliant and I highly recommend getting a copy, also check out Nicks other books as he's a great writer and any of them would make an ideal Christmas present.

That gives me an idea ... maybe my next post will be an ATP recommends Xmas Gift List? Hmmmmm.... ;)

Nov 11, 2009


Last weekend was spent in Warsaw, Poland. I was invited out to DJ with Mr Kordys at an art exhibition/party. I arrived on Friday night with Mrs Pigeons, we rocked up to the very posh Marriot hotel to check in. However after a quick bit of confusion at the reception desk we realised we were meant to be at the less posh Metropol down the road. I really need to read things better.

Saturday morning was spent looking around the cultural area of Warsaw. We went up the Cultural Palace which was really high, saw some Pigeons up there and then went to the technology museum to the James Bond spy exhibition. That was really good fun with drill-guns, gun-bras and more pigeons.

Then Saturday night was the actual DJ Set. We arrived at 1500m2 early evening and took a brief look round. The building is a block of (unused) flats, very eastern European looking and every room had a different art installation in it. Some were just paintings, others were video, some were just odd but the whole place was pretty impressive.

My DJ Set started about 11pm and I did about 1 hour before handing over to Mr Kordys who did 1hr. Then back to me for more music and back to him to end the night ... I think we left the venue about 3.30am, a bit tipsy. So found some food opposite our hotel and then sleep.

The next day we visited the Old Town and nursed our heads. Monday was spent shopping and having lots of Mocha's.

All in all a great weekend was had. I want to thank Kordys for inviting me out there and I'll be organizing a Pigeon show over here in UK with him soon.

Nov 6, 2009

Poland Awaits

I was away some of this week in Oxfordshire, staying in a rather posh county manor. All very nice and it gave me time to work on some tracks. On the train back from Oxford to Brighton via Reading and Gatwick I finished what I refer to as the 1st Draft of my new EP.

I have already got a title and a front cover for the EP and just need to tidy up the tracks and get it mixed, mastered, produced etc etc etc - all this takes time. So I imagine the EP will be 'out' on CD and iTunes next April/May time.

Its going to have 5/6 tracks including 'mocha to go', 'michael jacksons last waltz', 'the latin word for amusement', 'the kids today', 'the darker side of' and 'urban garden'. I already prefer it to my debut album, probably because its fresh and new and shorter - in retrospect maybe the debut should have been a bit shorter but hey-ho, you can't change the past ... onwards to the future.

Which in my case means DJing tomorrow night in Warsaw! I will report on my findings next week. Bring on the Zubrowka!

Nov 1, 2009

£5.99 - going once, going twice - sold - to you!

Hi Readers,

Whilst browsing the www I noticed that my debut album is only £5.99 on Amazon, so if you have not got a copy yet, why not download it now? Link below.

Amazon Store