Apr 27, 2009
Release Dates
The Audio needs a final bit of tweaking but soon I will have some real CDs for you all to buy.
I can now confirm the actual release date for the album and it is .... 20.07.09!
The week before 'Larkin About' will be released as a download single - more on that in the next few weeks.
As you can probably guess it's all go here at ATP HQ - we have found a great new PR company who are doing all the press around the album, they are called Talking Turkey PR.
Jiffy Bags have been purchased, mailing lists are being confirmed and in a few weeks time all the promo copies of the album (inc the single) will be sent out to radio stations, jurnos etc.
Then it is a case of sitting and waiting for July.. .. ..
I will be doing more updates about the single and the album soon so keep reading.
Apr 20, 2009
Don't forget to say hi
I have been speaking to quite a few people who read this blog and also know there are quite a few people who pop on by and have a read. Last time I looked there were about 200 or so of you.
So I just wanted to say - if you are reading and wanted to say 'hi' don't feel scared to do so. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Apr 14, 2009
Pigeon Watch 03 : Hawks to scare Holyrood pigeons
Falconers are being asked to bid for a £40,000 contract to rid the Scottish Parliament of pigeons.
Following a successful month-long trial last year, Holyrood officials are inviting tenders to provide and handle birds of prey to control the problem.
The contract is to scare off the pigeons and to avoid killing them.
Pigeons have plagued the building since it opened in 2004. MSPs have complained that they were entering offices through the ventilation system.
Hawks and falcons are used at Portcullis House - the office building used by MPs at Westminster, and at Hampden Park.
The falcon contract at Holyrood is for a 12-month period, which may be extended for a further two years - a deal thought to be worth £13,000 per year.
Interested businesses have until 22 April to bid for the work.
Apr 8, 2009
This means that I can now progress with getting the album pressed and being able to sell it - and you to buy it!
Got quite a bit to do now such as finalising artwork, sequencing the tracks and getting all the legal info tied up but it's getting there.
I will release more information about the album, single and everything else soon.
Apr 7, 2009
Almost There....
So now all I am waiting on is permission from the Philip Larkin crew regards using his poem 'Pigeons' in my track 'Larkin About'. There has been a long story about this one and there are currently quite a few people invloved - the Larkin Society, the Larkin Estate & Faber and Faber; the publishers.
I am hoping to hear back regards this one soon - at the moment its the only thing holding up the album going to get pressed. Once I do hear back it will be go - go - go.
I can't wait to have the album out there for you all to buy!
Apr 3, 2009
Rip Offs and Mastering
Things have been happening - last night I went round to see my friend Ed in his new flat and we sat in his studio for about 6 hours mixing and mastering the ATP album. I am very pleased to say its almost mastered and sounds amazing!
I am still waiting on some clearance from Faber and Faber to use Philip Larkins poems in the track 'Larkin About'. This is holding up the album somewhat and I am hoping they actually allow the track to be released.
Also at the moment my good friend Little Gav is putting together the ATP album artwork.
So - with all that in hand I am hoping to be able to press the album soon and look to get it out there in shops, online etc in July.
Now .....
A few weeks ago I got an email from
Anyway I wrote to him and basically said his company is a rip off and that cyber sitting on domains is a nasty way to make money.
So I have been thinking - lets all submit the price of $10 as an offer and basically keep wasting their time. If any of you know ways of grabbing back a domain that someone is sitting on please let me know! The link below takes you to the Crucial Domains rip off page.
If anyone wants to email Pat and submit an offer use this address: customerservice@crucialdomains.net
Lets try and put the cat amongst them cyber sitting feathers.