Today is Friday and I am having one of those moments where I sit at my desk and question my working life and how it takes it toll on music.
It almost feels like there is nothing happening with ATP at the moment - but thats wrong - the new EP has gone to get pressed and will be back soon and that means that I need to update my mailing list to send it out for reviews and radio play.
Being an independent artist makes this difficult as I dont have anyone to follow up or contact people on my behalf - so its all down to me. If I dont make the calls or send the CDs then nothing will happen. In thats sense I control my own destiny.
For me as an artist the hardest thing (as with many musicians) is getting that break or getting the CD into the hands of someone who will play it, love it and play it to the world to gain new fans and progress things.
I was on a train the other day and listened to the new EP for the first time in quite a while and I still enjoyed it. I am happier with it than the first album, but I know I have a LOT more to offer and just need time to sit down and create the best music I can. I know its in me and it will happen.
So I will be using my time at work today to update my mailing list - research who is the best new shows, blogs etc to send it to and then get the press release ready for the next few weeks.
If anyone out there reading this knows any radio djs or journalists please let me know as every bit of help i get is needed.
Many Thanks - C x